India’s one of the top telecom operator Airtel has launched three different Airtel broadband plans for data card users. They are going to provide Airtel double data offer on for their data card subscribers. They have recently announced about Rs 499, Rs 699 and Rs 899 plans. So, in this article, we are going to talk about all these three Airtel data card plans 2017.
After launching Reliance Jio Dhan Dhana Dhan offer, every other telecom operators are trying to provide similar looking benefits to get more traction. Airtel also doing the same for their prepaid & postpaid users. But recently, Airtel has announced the similar looking plans for their data card users.
Airtel Broadband Plans 2017
Previously, Airtel was offering 5GB data per month for the Rs 499 plan, 8GB data for the Rs 699 plan and lastly 12GB data for the Rs 899 plan. But recently they have updated all these three airtel broadband plans and offering unlimited data which is similar to benefits offered by Reliance Jio to it’s users.
Airtel 499 Broadband Unlimited Plan
As I told you above, Airtel was giving only 5GB of data per month at Rs 499. But from now, users will get 1GB of high speed data per day for 30 days. And 5GB additional data limit is now increased to 7GB per month. That means if you calculate, you will get that under Airtel 499 broadband plan, you’re getting 37GB of high speed data each month.
Read Also : Get 10GB Data Per Day At 2Mbps & Unlimited Calling With BSNL BB249 Plan.
After the consumption of 1GB high speed data limit on a day, users will be able to access the 7GB of monthly additional data. Once 7GB additional data are consumed, users will get 80kbps speed when they will reach 1GB of daily high speed data limit. But remember that, no calling minutes or SMSs will be provided with this plan.
Airtel 699 Broadband Plan
Instead of 8GB data per month, existing Airtel broadband users will get 2GB high speed data per day along with 8GB additional data per month. So, total 68GB of high speed data will be provided to existing users. But new users will get 2GB data per day plus 10GB additional data. So, new users are getting total 70GB of high speed data per month with Airtel 699 broadband plan. Just recharge with Rs 699 and enjoy these benefits in your Airtel data card.
Airtel 899 Broadband Plan Details
Now, let’s have a look at Airtel 899 broadband plan. Under these Airtel data card plans, existing users will get 3GB of high speed data per day along with 12GB additional data. So, total 102GB of high speed data will be provided to existing customers, while new customers will get 104GB of data per month.
In case of all the three plans, after the consumption of daily high speed data cap, users will be moved to their base plans. Once the base plan finishes, user will get 80kbps speed with unlimited usage. Though, any kind of free voice calling or SMS benefits will be not come with these Airtel broadband plans.
Hope you’ve got all the details about these new Airtel broadband plans 2017. Now please share this article with your friends. They may need these plans. So, keep sharing the happiness with the help of sharing buttons.
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