India’s one of the leading telecom operator Bharat Sanchar Nigam Limited (BSNL) has recently launched their new broadband plan called “Experience Unlimited BB249”. The price of this plan is Rs 249 only where user can enjoy 10GB of data per day at 2MBPS speed. Not only this, user can also take advantage of it’s unlimited voice calling facility as well. So, in this article, we are going to talk about BSNL BB249 Plan activation process and the details & benefits of this BSNL broadband plan.
Looking at the benefits of this new BSNL broadband plan, we can say that it’s going to be a very popular broadband plan among BSNL users. Because under this affordable price tag of Rs 249 only, users can experience high speed data (2MBPS). Daily limit is set to 10GB per day which is also attractive at this price point.
BSNL BB249 Plan Activation
Users are also able to get unlimited calling minutes which is the other advantage of this broadband plan. But calling time is limited to 9PM – 7AM only. But on Sunday, there is no time limit set for unlimited calling facility.
Commenting on its latest plan, BSNL board director (CFA) N K Gupta, quoted,”BSNL is the only operator who is offering cheapest ’10GB per day’ data download plan under wireline broadband services in the country. The above plan has elicited enormous response towards BSNL’s wireline broadband services, and many new customers are subscribing to BSNL wireline broadband services under ‘Experience Unlimited BB 249’ plan.”
But as of now, there is no information about the speed beyond the daily data usage limit. If you calculate the whole GB of data, you will get that BSNL is providing 10GB x 30 Days = 300GB of data at Rs 249 only. With this BSNL BB249 Plan, BSNL becomes the most useful and affordable broadband service in India.
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Note : There is also another BSNL BB249 Plan which was launched 6 months ago. But that plan offers completely different benefits. The old plan offers 1GB of data for one month at 2MBPS speed. And after reaching the montly 1GB limit, you’ll get 1MBPS speed with unlimited usage. So, please before activating the new BSNL BB249 Plan, be sure that you are recharging with the new plan, not with the old one. You can take help of BSNL customer care service to make this sure!
How To Activate BSNL BB249 Plan?
Below you can see the process of recharging your broadband with the BSNL BB249 Plan. Please, make sure that you’re following every single steps described below.
BSNL BB249 Plan Activation Process:
- Firstly, go to any online recharge provider site for recharging.
- Select your zone, enter mobile number and your email address.
- Choose the BSNL BB249 plan from there.
- Pay the money using any payment method.
- That’s it. BSNL Rs 249 plan will be activated soon.
Hope you’ve successfully completed the BSNL BB249 plan activation process. Now keep enjoying this beneficial plan from BSNL & share this article with your friends by clicking on the sharing buttons below.
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