After Jio’s launch, Bharti Airtel, India’s largest telecom operator faced great loss in their business. From then, Airtel also tried to provide best and cheap offers for their users but in-vain. Nobody was providing same benefits like Jio’s Rs 399 Dhan Dhana Dhan plan. But now, Airtel started providing same benefits at same cost. So, in this article, we are going to talk about Airtel 399 plan details and how to get Airtel 399 plan recharge on your number.
This new Airtel 399 plan is available only for 4G handset users. And the benefits of this plan is very similar to Jio Rs 399 Dhan Dhana Dhan plan. So if you are using Jio, but want to switch to another teleco. It’s the time for you to switch to Bharti Airtel’s 4G network. In some areas Jio is unable to provide good network connectivity. If Airtel’s network is working fine there, then users can use Airtel 399 plan to enjoy same benefits like Jio.
Airtel 399 Plan Details
Airtel 399 plan comes with 1GB high speed 4G data per day. Users will also get unlimited voice calling (STD + Local) benefits. This plan will be valid for 84 days. That means users are getting total 84GB data along with unlimited calling for 84 days at just Rs 399. But unlike Reliance Jio, free SMS is not available with Airtel 399 plan. Users must have a 4G supported handset and a Airtel 4G sim in order to get Airtel 399 recharge in their number. Only prepaid users can take advantage of this plan.
How To Get Airtel 399 Recharge On Your Number?
Please visit your nearest retail store to get Airtel 399 recharge. Or you can also use Paytm to recharge this plan in your number. But one thing I should mention here, that there are some great offers available for Airtel users on My Airtel app. So, you can also download the app from Google Play Store and make Airtel 399 recharge from there to get additional discounts and cash backs if available.
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