Vodafone India recently launched two new tariff plans as Vodafone Super Plans. The price of the plans are Rs 409 and Rs 459. Vodafone is offering great benefits with these two Super Plans. So, in this article, we are going to discuss about Vodafone 409 and 459 plan details.
Not only these two plans, Vodafone has also introduced a few more plans under their Super Plans section. But Vodafone Rs 409 and Rs 459 plans have been created mainly for those places where there is no or very poor 3G/4G network coverage. In those places, these two plans will offer maximum benefit under this price range.
Vodafone 409 Plan Details
First of all, Vodafone 409 plan comes with unlimited 2G data. So, it will be very beneficial for those places where people can’t get access to 3G or 4G network. Along with this, Vodafone 409 plan is also offering Unlimited calls (Local/STD/Roaming OG) and 100 SMSes per day. The plan comes with the validity period of 28 days.
But in some circles, Vodafone 409 plan comes with the validity period of 70 days, like in Andhra Pradesh, Telengana, Madhya Pradesh, Chattisgarh, Bihar, Jharkhand and Himachal Pradesh. But in Jammu and Kashmir circle, users can get the same plan at Rs 359 for 70 days and at Rs 409 for 84 days of validity. So, this plan offers the same benefits for different validity period on different circles and the price also differs according to it’s conditions.
Vodafone 459 Plan Details
Vodafone 459 plan also offers the same benefits which are Unlimited 2G internet data, Unlimited calls on Local/STD/Roaming OG and 100 SMSes per day. The plan comes with the fixed validity period of 84 days. As of now, this plan is available on select circles only, including Andhra Pradesh, Telengana, Madhya Pradesh, Chattisgarh, Bihar, Jharkhand and Himachal Pradesh.
How To Get Vodafone 409 & 459 Recharge?
Users can simply confirm that they are eligible for this plan with specific benefits according to their circle and price. Then they can either recharge it from any offline retailer store or just by using My Vodafone app, Paytm, Mobikwik or any other digital platform.
Hope you liked this article about Vodafone 409 and 459 plan details. If you still have any question about these two Vodafone Super Plans, then just leave your query in the comments below and we will give you reply.
SamG says
does this plan gets auto renewed after its validity gets over for advance recharge with same or other plans or does it replaces the existing plan?
Shibam Kar says
Kindly call to customer care number to know further details about this plan.