Though the upcoming Nokia 3, Nokia 5 and Nokia 6 didn’t hit the Indian market yet. But Vodafone has already rolled out the Nokia Vodafone data offer for it’s buyers. Vodafone has partnered with HMD Global (manufacturer of Nokia phones) to provide additional data to all the buyers of Nokia 3,5 and 6. Nokia Vodafone offer will be valid for all prepaid and postpaid Vodafone users who will purchase one of these Nokia android smartphones.
4GB of 3G/4G data will be provided for free to the buyers of Nokia 3 and Nokia 5. On the other hand, the buyers of Nokia 6 will be provided 9GB of high speed data for free. Both prepaid and postpaid users can avail this Nokia Vodafone offer.
Nokia Vodafone Offer Details: Free 10GB 4G Data With Nokia 3, 5 & 6
Nokia 3 is now available at Rs 9,499 on Croma, one of the leading online store operated by TATA. Visit Nokia 3 Croma product page here. And Nokia 5 will be available at offline retail stores from 7th July. On another side, Nokia 6 sale will start exclusively only on Amazon India store at Rs 14,999 from 14th July this year. Visit Nokia 6 Amazon sale page here. So, if you are planning to buy a Nokia phone, then you will get extra additional data free from Nokia Vodafone Offer.
Nokia 3, Nokia 5 Vodafone Offer
Both Nokia 3 and Nokia 5 buyers will get 4GB of additional 3G/4G data for free with the validity period of 1 month for 3 billing cycle. To avail this offer, users will need to recharge 1GB data at Rs 142 which will be valid for 1 month. So, at the end, users are getting 1GB + 4GB = 5GB data per month in total. This Nokia Vodafone offer will be applicable for three recharges of 1GB data per month for three months.
Nokia 6 Vodafone Offer
Nokia 6 buyers will get more benefit compared to the Nokia 3 and Nokia 5 buyers. All the customers who will buy Nokia 6, will get 9GB additional data from Vodafone. This 9GB free data will be provided with the recharge of 1GB data at Rs 251 with the validity of 1 month. At the end, users will get total 10GB data at the price of 1GB data. This Nokia Vodafone offer will be valid for 3 recharges of Rs 251 (1GB data). One thing I should mention here, you can also get this offer with many phones available on Amazon store including OnePlus 5.
Nokia Vodafone offer will be valid on all circles in India. But in Andhra Pradesh, Chattisgarh, Telengana, Madhya Pradesh, Bihar, Himachal Pradesh and Jharkhand (Vodafone ICR circles) users will get 2G speed in this offer. All the offer benefits and price is same for both prepaid and postpaid Vodafone subscribers who will buy these Nokia phones.
Nokia Vodafone offer will help Nokia to boost the sales of Nokia 3, Nokia 5 and Nokia 6. On the other side, it is also helpful for Vodafone to get more customers when every other telecom operators are struggling to be in the race with Reliance Jio. Would you like to buy any of these Nokia phones? What you think, how much helpful is Nokia Vodafone offer for those who will buy one of this Nokia phone? Please, leave your views in the comment section below.
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