Reliance Jio has launched their Jio feature phone today which will be available for free of cost. Though users will have to deposit Rs 1,500 as security money. But this is the cheapest feature phone which supports 4G network. The phone will come with dedicated Jio 153 plan. So, many of you may want to know Jio 153 plan details as this is the best JioPhone data plan. Let’s see the details.
Jio 153 Plan Details For JioPhone
Like other Jio prime plans, Jio 153 plan also comes with free voice calling and SMSes. JioPhone users will get 512 MB 4G high speed data per day with this Jio 153 plan. The validity of this plan is set to 28 days. That means, if you want to use JioPhone, then you will have to pay Rs 153 per month to get these facilities.
But the surprising thing about this Idea 153 plan is, you can also pay the amount weekly or two day basis. The price of the weekly package and two day package will be Rs 54 and Rs 24 respectively. So, if you don’t need data every day, then you can opt-in for the weekly or two-day plan which will give you the same benefits but for a less validity time. Post FUP the speed will be 128 kbps which is still a good speed for browsing and messaging.
Users can also connect the JioPhone with Smart TV and stream videos using Jio apps. Now, you might be thinking that what if you need more than half GB data per day. Jio has also made it possible for JioPhone users to recharge with Jio’s regular data plans which gives you 1GB or 2GB 4G data per day along with free calling and SMSes.
How To Recharge With Jio 153 Plan?
Users can either use website or MyJioApp to recharge with Jio 153 plan in their JioPhone. Expectedly, the recharge of Jio Rs 153 plan might be also available at different online payment provide apps and websites such as Paytm and MobiKwik. Users can also recharge with this plan by visiting their nearest Jio Digital Store and asking for the recharge.
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