Anil Ambani’s telecom company Reliance Communications (RCom) is also trying to gain some tractions at this time of heavy competition. But, instead of targeting the 4G network, RCom is targeting 3G handset users who are not getting any benefits. Recently they launched Reliance 147 plan. So, if you are not a 4G user, read this article to know about Reliance 147 plan details and how to get Reliance 147 recharge in your number.
Reliance 147 Plan Details
Firstly I want to say that, if you are a 4G customer, then the plan is not for you. This plan is made for those who don’t have a 4G handset and who want to get Jio-like benefits in their 3G phone. Under this Reliance Rs 147 plan, users will get 1GB of high speed 3G data per day. The plan comes with the validity period of 28 days. The price is fixed at Rs 147 and is available in all the circles in India.
So, at the end, users are getting 28GB of 3G data at Rs 147 only which is very cheap. And at this time, there are no telecom operators who are offering 3G data at such cheap price. But the plan is limited for RCom 3G users only. Though you can use this plan in your 4G phone, because 4G phones also supports 3G connectivity. But in that case, Reliance Jio is the best option for you to go for.
How To Get Reliance 147 Recharge?
Firstly make sure you are a RCom 3G user and the network is good in your area. Then follow the steps given below to activate Reliance 147 plan in your number.
- Go to Paytm or Mobikwik.
- Enter your phone number.
- Select operator and circle.
- Browse the plan and choose Reliance Rs 147 Plan.
- Proceed to pay using any of the payment method.
- That’s it. You have done the recharge successfully.
RCom has also launched a new plan few days ago, where 3G users can get free voice calling for 30 mins per day along with 1GB 3G data per day for 28 day at Rs 193. But if you don’t need calling benefits and you just want to go with 1GB data per day, then Reliance 147 plan is also there.
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