Though Reliance Jio is now ruling the whole telecom industry, but before it’s launch, Bharti Airtel was the king. So, don’t think that the previous king of telecom industry is sleeping. Yesterday, Airtel launched five new data plans for it’s users. The names of these five new data plans are Airtel 349, 399, 499, 799 and 999 plan. All these plans, especially the Airtel 999 plan is designed to take on Reliance Jio.
Not only Reliance Jio, now every other telecom operators are trying to get new customers as well as to retain their existing users. So, all of them started providing cheaper plans in competition with each other. But, undoubtedly Reliance Jio is the biggest competitor of every other telcos out there. So, Airtel launched this new plans to provide more value to it’s subscribers.
Airtel 999 Plan Details & Benefits
Under Airtel 999 plan, users will get 4GB of high speed 4G data per day for 28 days. Users are also provided free unlimited voice calling to both local and STD numbers. But, there are no SMS benefits provided with this plan. Though this plan is available for Airtel prepaid users only. But this will be provided to selected users. So, don’t forget to check the My Airtel app to confirm if you are eligible for Airtel 999 plan or not.
The Airtel 349 plan comes with 1GB of 4G data per day for 28 days along with unlimited voice calling. Here also, free SMSs are not available. Now, come to the Airtel 399 plan where prepaid users will get 1GB and 1.25GB 4G data per day for 4G and 3G/2G handsets respectively.
Then the Airtel Rs 499 plan provides 1.5GB and 2GB of high speed 4G data per day for 4G and 3G/2G devices respectively. Unlimited calls are also available with this plan. This plan is also comes with the validity period of 28 days.
And at last, the Airtel 799 plan comes with 3GB 4G data per day for 28 days. Though SMSs are not provided but unlimited calling (local+STD) is still free. So, at the end, you are getting 3GB x 28 = total 84GB data at Rs 799 only. Now if you want to recharge with any of these plans, see the procedure below.
How To Get Airtel 999 Recharge Quickly?
Remember, this process is same for all the Airtel plans described in this article. So, if you want to recharge any of these plans in your number, just follow the steps given below.
- Simply download, install and open the My Airtel app.
- Sign in with your number and OTP.
- Go to Best Offers section and see if your desired plan is available.
- If it’s available, then do the recharge from here by paying online.
- You can also get this recharge from your nearest Airtel retail store.
- Or if the plan is not available at Best Offers section, then you are not eligible for the plan.
Hope you guys liked this article on Airtel 349, 399, 499, 799 & 999 plans. Now, share this article with your friends who use Airtel and want good speed and a lot of data at cheapest price.
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