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Get Flat 50% OFF On Magzter Gold Plan
4 years ago

Get Flat 50% OFF On Magzter Gold Plan

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About Magzter Coupons, Offers & Promo Codes

Magzter is one of the most popular platform in India for reading various magazines and newspapers online at very affordable price. It's a very old app launched back in 2011 and the company is headquartered in New York. It's registered as a Delaware C Corp.

It is a platform that enables publishers to monetize and sell their digital editions online through an app and also provides the comfort of reading tons of newspapers and magazines at one place sitting at their home. This model also makes it cheaper for the customers to get access to latest magazines without paying much money. It's a completely different app than Newsstand.

On Magzter, you can enjoy more than 9,000 magazines from over 4,000 different publishers with few touches in your screen. It has helped the publishers as well as they don't have to invest in printing hard copies anymore to distribute it all over the World.

What is Magzter Gold?

Magzter Gold is the name of a subscription that you can buy at a very low price and enjoy all the contents, magazines and other stuffs which are provided by Magzter under this subscription. You can see the list of magazines that you can read with this subscription in their official website.

At PriceKaato, we have thoroughly collected and listed all the Magzter coupons and promo codes from all over the internet. You will find many Magzter offers which will help you get additional benefits or cashbacks when you pay for reading those magazines that you want.

Apart from that, once you download the magazine from Magzter, you can read it forever, and the time it takes to download the magazine depends upon your internet speed. However, the number of devices you can read your magazines on is currently limited to 5 devices only. If you have subscribed for Netflix, you will be aware of this limitation. It is done to stop piracy. But, we think, it's sufficient. Just make sure that you visit PriceKaato at least once before you go to purchase any specific magazine or subscribe to the Gold plan as you might get a jaw-dropping Magzter offer on PriceKaato!
